Category: Dev

iOS mock framework for unit tests

Mock objects are objects which behave like another business objects, but they don’t do more than you need to test a unit. For example they response with a static data. Mock frameworks gives you the ability to define dynamically mock objects in the test method rather than define them in separate classes. The mock object […]

ObjC advanced static code analyzer

There is a built in code analyzer in Xcode but unfortunately it’s not that we really need. It doesn’t check complexity, method sizes etc. This was one of the missing features till now because fortunately there is a good one out already: OCLint ( Unfortunately there is still no correct Xcode project file read support […]

Singleton – the Anti-Pattern

Avoid to use the Singletons – if possible Everybody knows the singleton pattern. If you want to allow in an app to use only one instance of an object you implement a static/class method which provides the instance for the caller and deny any other allocation. While there are situations where this is the only […]

ObjC Properties vs iVars

About property and iVar usage in init/dealloc methods. Technically one use properties if he wants to publish a member. Make it accessible and/or modifiable without exposing the structure of the class. Properties also allows you to run a code (accessors) when the property is set (setter method) or get (getter method) by someone. Since Xcode […]